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Nurture Room-baking scones.

14th Oct 2022

Diju sieving the flour.
Diju sieving the flour.
Kelson and Francis weighing the sugar.
Kelson and Francis weighing the sugar.
Taking turns to cut the dough.
Taking turns to cut the dough.
Lilo, Diju, Reynardo and Mary ready to eat the scones with fresh cream and jam.
Lilo, Diju, Reynardo and Mary ready to eat the scones with fresh cream and jam.
Kelson, Francis, Benjamin, Michayla and Keyla excited and ready to eat the scone they made.
Kelson, Francis, Benjamin, Michayla and Keyla excited and ready to eat the scone they made.
The Best part of baking!!
The Best part of baking!!