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News - Miss E Park

2022/2023 School Year

11th Nov 2022
Well done boys and girls in Miss Park's P4 class. Lots of silver and bronze certificates...
8th Nov 2022
Josrio, Garcia, Elonas, Caledon and Izide each won a special certificate for their...
26th Oct 2022
Miss Park's P4 boys and girls had a fun-filled day today! They took part in a Halloween...
21st Oct 2022
Pupils enjoying lots of fun Goldentime activties on Friday afternoon, after a week...
21st Oct 2022
Well done to Paula, Ryan, Caledon, Emily and Garcia who achieved silver and bronze...
17th Oct 2022
Miss Park's P4 had a brilliant time at gymnastics last Friday. Well done to all the...
17th Oct 2022
Well done to all of our Gold, silver and bronze certificate winners last week!
13th Oct 2022
Congratulations to these P4 children who all achieved certifcates for Star of the...