News - Miss A McCullagh
2023/2024 School Year
24th Oct 2023
Gerard Kerr, a fireman visited Primary 5 today. He is part of the safety Team for...
13th Oct 2023
Today we welcomed Jolene and Isobel from Mid Ulster District Council to our school....
6th Oct 2023
Well done to all the boys and girls who received an award at assembly today. Keep...
22nd Sep 2023
We had our first Eco- Council meeting of the year. We met to discuss our ideas about...
14th Sep 2023
We had an enjoyable morning singing with Malachi and Mrs Jordan. We are looking forward...
2022/2023 School Year
21st Jun 2023
The Primary 5 children had a fun Sports Day at O'Neill's Park on Tuesday. They competed...
19th Jun 2023
The Primary 5 classes enjoyed playing hurley at St.Patrick's Academy.
12th Jun 2023
Congratulations to all the Primary 5 boys and girls who were awarded for their hard...
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- Celebrating Success
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- Homepage
- Miss A McCullagh
- Miss A McCullagh/ Mrs C Maguire
- Miss B Nixon/ Mrs C Maguire
- Miss C Keogh
- Miss E Heron
- Miss E Park
- Miss L McGeary
- Miss Mc Cullagh
- Miss S McElhone
- Mr C O’Hagan
- Mr D Mullan
- Mr D O’Farrell
- Mr L McGirr
- Mr M Cahalane/ Mrs C Maguire
- Mr M Culinane / Mrs C Maguire
- Mr M McReynolds
- Mr N Hyndman
- Mr S McBride
- Mrs A Spence
- Mrs B Hamill
- Mrs B O’Donnell
- Mrs C Cassidy / Mrs A O’Neill
- Mrs C Cush
- Mrs C Maguire /M McReynolds
- Mrs C McBride
- Mrs C McCormack
- Mrs C O’Donnell
- Mrs E Mulgrew
- Mrs F Hampsey
- Mrs L Maguire
- Mrs L McGirr
- Mrs M Hughes/ Mrs A McElroy
- Mrs M Kulawik
- Mrs M McGlone / S Jordan
- Mrs N Campbell
- Mrs O O'Neill/ Mrs A McElroy
- Mrs O O’Neill
- Mrs P McEvoy
- Mrs R Lupari
- Mrs S McKenna
- Mrs S McKeown
- Mrs S Smyth
- Mrs S Whiteside
- Mrs T Kerr
- Mrs Wallace / S Jordan
St Patrick's Primary School, 11 Killyman Rd, Dungannon BT71 6DE | Phone: 028 8772 3473