Strike Action-Wednesday 29th November
Dear parent/ guardian
As you may be aware, a number of Trade Unions including the (INTO) Irish National Teachers Organisation will be taking part in a half-day of industrial action on 29th November. It is therefore likely that teaching staff who are members of these trade unions will be unavailable for work until 12 noon on Wednesday 29th November
Having conducted a risk assessment as Principal and in consultation with the Chairperson of the Board of Governors it has been decided that,
School will not open until 12 noon on Wednesday 29th November.
Normal school transport will not be available at 12 noon but will be available at home time.
Children who cannot attend school on that day will be marked in the register using an appropriate code that will mean it is not counted as an unauthorised absence.
School meals will be available for children who do attend school.
Seamus McCreesh
St Patrick's Primary School, 11 Killyman Rd, Dungannon BT71 6DE | Phone: 028 8772 3473