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Letter for Parents - 19th June.

19th Jun 2024

Dear parent/guardian,

As we approach the end of the school year, I want to thank everyone in our school community for all your support and good will over the last school year. 

Friday 21st will be the last day of school for the Primary 7 children and I want to commend them on completing their Primary School Education and thank them for all the wonderful experiences that they have enjoyed in St. Patrick's Primary School. 

Any P7 child who received a trophy or prize at Monday's assembly should take it into school on Thursday for a school photo. Please wear school uniform.

The P7 children will take part in a talent show on Thursday and a party on Friday. Children who attend the afterschool football club on Friday in Dungannon Clarkes can be collected or walk home as usual.

Nursery will also finish on Friday 21st June.

P1, P2, P3, P4, P5 & P6 children will move to their new classes on Wednesday 26th and school will finish on Friday 28th June at 11.30am.

Primary 5 children will be travelling up to Dungannon Clarkes GAA club on Friday as usual and the club will be providing pizza and chips for all the children. The P5 children will not require lunches or school dinners on Friday.

The school's Board of Governors will be reconstituted at the start of the school year. There is a place for a parent representative on the Governors and Mr. Felix de Jesus who works very closely with the school is happy to take on the role of parent representative. If however, any other parent who would like to be considered for the post, please email me at along with the name of a nominating parent before 3pm on Friday 21st June.

Please return all reading books and text books to the school before the end of the year.

Yours Sincerely

Seamus McCreesh
