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Letter for Parents & Guardians

7th Nov 2023

(Please translate using the language bar above if required)

Dear Parents/ Guardians

I hope the children have had a good break over the Halloween holiday and are happy to be back at school.

We intend to hold Parent Teacher meetings to allow you to discuss your child's progress and any other concerns you may have with his/her teacher. The meetings will take place in the school during the week beginning Monday 20th November at a time mutually arranged with your child's teacher.

To book your meeting please click on the link and select your child's teacher. There is also a link on the front page of the school website. You can then select a date and time from the list of available slots and complete the details required. If you need an interpreter it would be very helpful if you could include this and the language needed in the message section in the bottom of the booking.

If you have any difficulty with booking your meeting, please contact the school office on 02887723473 and the office staff will assistant you in booking a meeting.

We would really appreciate your cooperation in keeping to your allocated time punctualy.

I would like to remind you the Friday 24th November will be a school holiday for all the children.

Yours Sincerely

Seamus McCreesh