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New School Year Letter for Parents/ Guardians

4th Sep 2024

Dear parent/ guardian

(Please use the translate option above if required)

We are delighted to welcome the children back to school and we look forward to the new school year.

The school day begins at 9.15am for all children and children are welcome to come to school from 8am in the morning. The children in P1 & 2 will finish at 2pm and the P3-7 will finish at 3.10pm. Any children who are being collected from school at 3.10pm must be collected from the school yard to ensure everyone leaves safely. If your child is walking home please ensure that the teacher is aware of this.

Children should attend school every day unless they are unwell and not fit to be in school. Please contact the school by email or by phone 02887723473 to let us know if your child is not coming to school.

School dinners are available at a cost of £2.60 per day and the dinner menu is available at . Parents can pay cash or purchase dinner through the ParentPay app.

The school's healthy eating programme continues this year and we are asking parents to support the school by ensuring that children's snacks and lunch boxes contain foods that are low in sugar and fat content. Children's drinking bottles should only contain water.

School must be notified if your children has any food allergies or intolerances. The school can only act on advice regarding a diet which has been prescribed by a medical consultant, a doctor or registered dietician. Please complete the form that has been sent home with your child. The form can also be downloaded at the bottom of this letter.

PE lessons will begin next week and children may wear appropriate clothing in on the PE day. Children should wear school uniform on the other days.

Primary 7 children who wish to sit the transfer test in November need to be registered on the SEAG website. Please contact the school if you need support with this. After school classes will continue on Monday and Thursday until 4.30pm. 

Children in P4, 5,6 and & 7 will be involved in new numeracy groups this year helping them to develop better maths skills.

Dungannon Clarke’s and Aodh Ruadh are offering football sessions for girls and boys free of charge in the Dungannon Clarke’s GAA grounds. This is a great opportunity for the children to mix with their friends, get some exercise and enjoy the GAA club.

The times are as follows;

Boys on Tuesday

6pm – 6.45 - Nursery and P1.

6pm – 7pm P2,3 & 4.

6.15 to 7.15pm P5,6 & 7

Girls on Wednesday

6pm – 6.30 - Nursery and P1

6pm – 7pm P2,3,4,5,6 & 7.

I would encourage parents to bring their children along to these sessions and help them to learn new skills and make new friends.

We look forward to supporting our whole school community this year.

Yours Sincerely

Seamus McCreesh
